Dinner Organization Made Easy
When I moved out on my own for the first time after high school, I had to figure out meal planning on a shoestring budget. I initially started by going to the store and buying [...]
The Art of Changing Kids Behavior
As parents you have a secret weapon that you can use to get your kids to do just about anything. However, there are two problems with this secret weapon. Your kids don’t want you to [...]
A family business
Our son decided that he could now contribute to the family business. He used his stop animation skills to make the video below. https://youtu.be/pvKytmMOUtA
My Favorite Parenting Books
Here are my Top 10 favorite parenting books I have read in the last decade. Why Do They Act That Way? Parenting With Love And Logic How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen [...]
Does shoe tying have you tied up in knots? Easy Tie shoelaces can help. The newest Easy Tie Shoelaces are in and are AMAZING. To celebrate their release we are going to pick two lucky [...]
Organizing The Family Meeting
It was a typical Monday; I was running from school to soccer practice and home again with very little time in between to connect with my kids. I found myself running from problem to problem. [...]