Teaching your child to tie their shoes can be one of the most frustrating tasks EVER! Fortunately, we have the frustration-free solution. Follow our step by step guide and your child will be tying in no time.
First, get the right shoelaces BEFORE you start. All shoelaces are not created equal and starting with the right shoelaces will save you MONTHS of frustration over regular shoelaces. Look for shoelaces that are smaller in size and stiffer with a solid feel. Most shoes come with laces that are too wide and floppy for easy tying. Check out this video to see the difference between shoelaces.
Expert Tip: Use Dual Colored Laces
Break your shoe tying into three stages. If you spend a couple of minutes a day on each stage your child should be able to learn to tie in no time.
Step 1 – Introduce and Excite
You don’t need to work on tying yet, just introduce the fact that they will be learning to tie. Spend a minute every time they put their shoes on to introduce their tie shoes. If you have been tying their shoes for them you will want to help them get excited about learning to tie. Have them pick out dual colored Tying Shoelaces
to help them associate that these are the laces that they can tie.
Step 2 – Criss-Cross

It is important to realize that this task can be overwhelming for your child and they will get frustrated if you do too much too fast. Start with your child simply crossing their shoelaces. Make it fun, have them cross them with some gusto and cheer when they do it.
Step 3 – Over Under
With the laces now crossed, one lace is laying on top of the other one. Have your child identify the lace that is on top. Have them feed this lace under the bottom lace.
Grab both shoelaces and pull both tight. Dual colors are very helpful at this stage for identifying which lace is which.
If they have done it right their shoe should look like the picture above. Stop and congratulate your child. Stage 1 is now complete.
Step 4 – Make a Loop
This step will likely take the most time. You will realize that you have to be very specific about HOW to make a loop. Focus on creating the right sized loop that is close to the criss-cross. Don’t move past this step until your child consistently makes a good loop. If you are using regular laces this step may take much longer to master.
Step 5 – Wrap Around
Once your child has a good loop they will then wrap the other lace around the loop. The direction of the wrap does not matter. What matters is that they see that there are two different laces. Dual colored shoelaces make this step easy to execute.
Show your child where the “hole” is. Help them by holding the loop while they go in search of the lace through the hole.
Push, pull, or tuck the lace through the hole.
Once they know that there is a place to grab, it is just a matter of practice to get this step down consistently.
Step 6 – Pull the Loops
Small hands will have trouble holding all of the laces so expect that there will be several missed attempts. Most children will be so excited at this point that they will pull their laces through. Don’t worry, celebrate that they almost had it. Repetition is the key to figuring out what works and how to get their shoelaces tied tight and even.
Yay! You just learned to tie! This is a huge milestone in your child’s development and one of their first steps towards independence. Celebrate it!